I’ve been struggling to get a decent mountain bike photo for awhile now. Not a lot of riders go to the place I have to photograph, so the opportunities are very limited, and the harsh, dappled light that is common there is a challenge when I do come across someone.
The guy in this photo is Daniel Goldbach, an avid rider and trail builder well-educated in the standards of the craft. He built the trail you see, and the jump. The original mountain bike trail in the park was built by a well regarded trail building specialist and was blessed by an international mountain bike trail building association.
I’ve learned that the key characteristics of a well-designed mountain bike trail are that it has great variety and flow, and that it is designed in such a way as to minimize erosion and, thus, the need for constant maintenance.
Anyway, taking un-ironic, traditionally informative photos like this is how I’ve been paying for the beer lately, and this is a nice example of one I really enjoy working on.
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